Parcourir par auteur Brendgen, M

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Nombre de documents archivés : 63.

Article de revue scientifique

Silventoinen, K; Jelenkovic, A; Boivin, M; ..., .; Dionne, G; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F et ..., . (2019). « The CODATwins Project: The current status and recent findings of Collaborative project of Development of Anthropometrical measures in Twins ». Twin Research and Human Genetics.

Morneau-Vaillancourt, G; Dionne, G; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Feng, B; Henry, J; Forget-Dubois, N; Tremblay, R. E et Boivin, M (2019). « The Genetic and Environmental Etiology of Shyness through Childhood ». Behavior Genetics.

Zheng, Y; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Boivin, M et Vitaro, F (2019). « Genetic and environmental influences on developmental trajectories of adolescent alcohol use ». European child & adolescent psychiatry.

Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G et Ouellet-Morin, I (2019). « The Quebec Newborn Twin Study at 21 ». Twin Research and Human Genetics.

Jelenkovic, A; Yokoyama, Y; Sund, R; Hur, Y.-M; Harris, J.R; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G et Vitarof, F (2018). « Associations between birth size and later height from infancy through adulthood: An individual based pooled analysis of 28 twin cohorts participating in the CODATwins project ». Early Human Development.

Jelenkovic, A; ..., .; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Vitaro, F et ..., . (2018). « Birth size and gestational age in opposite-sex twins as compared to same-sex twins: An individual-based pooled analysis of 21 cohorts ». Scientific Reports.

Plourde, V; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Robaey, P; Tremblay, R. E. et Dionne, G (2018). « Cognitive mechanisms underlying the associations between inattention and reading abilities ». Developmental Neuropsychology.

Henry, J; Dionne, G; Viding, E; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Tremblay, R.E et Boivin, M (2018). « Early warm-rewarding parenting moderates the genetic contributions to callous-unemotional traits in childhood ». Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Vitaro, F; Dickson, D. J; Brendgen, M; Laursen, B; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2018). « The Gene-Environmental Architecture of the Development of Adolescent Substance Use ». Psychological Medicine.

Allami, Y; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Carbonneau, R et Carbonneau, R.E (2018). « Identifying At-Risk Profiles and Protective Factors for Problem Gambling: A Longitudinal Study Across Adolescence and Early Adulthood ». Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

Brouillard, C; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2018). « Links between the mother-adolescent and father-adolescent relationships and adolescent depression: A genetically informed study ». Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Henry, J; Dionne, G; Viding, E; Petitclerc, E; Feng, B; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Tremblay, R.E et Boivin, M (2018). « A Longitudinal Twin Study of Callous-Unemotional Traits during Childhood ». Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

Bilodeau, F; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Côté, S.M; Tremblay, R.E; Touchette, É; Montplaisir, J et Boivin, M (2018). « Longitudinal association between peer victimization and sleep problems in preschoolers: The moderating role of parenting ». Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2018). « Longitudinal links between gambling participation and academic performance in youth: A test of four models ». Journal of Gambling Studies.

Guimond, F-A; Brendgen, M; Correia, S; Turgeon, L et Vitaro, F (2018). « The Moderating Role of Peer Norms in the Associations of Social Withdrawal and Aggression With Peer Victimization ». Developmental Psychology.

Ismaylova, E; Lévesque, M.L; Pomares, F; Szyf, M; Nemoda, Z; Fahim, C; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Boivin, M; Tremblay, R.E et Booij, L (2018). « Serotonin transporter promoter methylation in peripheral cells and neural responses to negative stimuli: A study of adolescent monozygotic twins ». Translational Psychiatry.

White, E; Garon-Carrier, G; Tosto, M.G; Malykh, S.B; Li, X; Kiddle, B; Riglin, L; Byrne, B; Dionne, G; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Tremblay, R.E; Boivin, M et Kovas, Y (2018). « Twin classroom dilemma: to study together or separately? ». Developmental Psychology.

Côté, S.M; Ahun, M; Herba, C; Brendgen, M; Geoffroy, M.-C; Orri, M; Liu, X; Vitaro, F; Melchior, M; Boivin, M et Tremblay, R.E (2018). « Why is Maternal Depression Related to Adolescent Internalizing Problems? A 15-Year Population-Based Study ». Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Mimeau, C; Dionne, G; Feng, B; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Tremblay, R.E et Boivin, M (2018). « The genetic and environmental etiology of the association between vocabulary and syntax in first grade ». Language Learning and Development.

Carbonneau, R; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M et Tremblay, R.E (2018). « The intergenerational association between parents’ problem gambling and impulsivity-hyperactivity/inattention behaviors in children ». Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Perron-Gélinas, A; Brendgen, M et Vitaro, F (2017). « Can sports mitigate the effects of depression and aggression on peer rejection? ». Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.

Mascheretti, S; Trezzi, V; Giorda, R; Boivin, M; Plourde, V; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G et Marino, C (2017). « Complex effects of dyslexia risk factors account for ADHD traits: Evidence from two independent samples ». Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines.

Serra-Poirier, C; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2017). « Contagion of Anxiety Symptoms Among Adolescent Siblings: A Twin Study ». Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Buil, B; van Lier, P; Brendgen, M; Koot, H.M et Vitaro, F (2017). « Developmental Pathways Linking Childhood Temperament with Antisocial Behavior and Substance Use in Adolescence: Explanatory Mechanisms in the Peer Environment ». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Paquin, S; Lacourse, É; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R.E et Boivin, M (2017). « Heterogeneity in the development of proactive and reactive aggression in childhood: Common and specific genetic - environmental factors ». PLoS One.

Schumann, L; Boivin, M; Paquin, S; Lacourse, É; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R.E et Booij, L (2017). « Persistence and innovation effects in genetic and environmental factors in negative emotionality during infancy: A twin study ». PLoS One.

Garon-Carrier, G; Boivin, M; Kovas, Y; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Séguin, J.R; Tremblay, R.E et Dionne, G (2017). « Persistent Genetic and Family-Wide Environmental Contributions to Early Number Knowledge and Later Achievement in Mathematics ». Psychological Science.

Plourde, V; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F et Dionne, G (2017). « Phenotypic and Genetic Associations Between Reading and ADHD Dimensions in Adolescence ». Development and Psychopathology.

Ahun, M.N; Geoffroy, M.-C; Herba, C.M; Brendgen, M; Séguin, J.R; Sutter-Dallay, A.-L; Boivin, M; Tremblay, R.E et Côté, S.M (2017). « Timing and chronicity of maternal depression symptoms and children's verbal abilities ». Journal of Pediatrics.

Bekkhus, M; Brendgen, M; Czajkowski, N.O; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2016). « Associations between sibling relationship quality and friendship quality in early adolescence: Looking at the case of twins ». Twin Research and Human Genetics.

Dussault, F; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Carbonneau, R; Boivin, M et Tremblay, R.E (2016). « Co-morbidity between gambling problems and depressive symptoms: A longitudinal perspective of risk and protective factors ». Journal of Gambling Studies.

Carbonneau, R; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Nagin, D.S et Tremblay, R.E. (2016). « Comorbid Development of Disruptive Behaviors from age 1½ to 5 years in a Population BirthCohort and Association with School Adjustment in First Grade ». Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Brendgen, M; Ouellet-Morin, I; Lupien, S; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2016). « Does cortisol moderate the environmental association between peer victimization and depression symptoms? A genetically informed twin study ». Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Brendgen, M; Ouellet-Morin, I; Lupien, S.J; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2016). « Environmental Influence of Problematic Social Relationships on Adolescents’ Daily Cortisol Secretion: A Monozygotic (MZ) Twin Difference Study ». Psychological Medicine.

Ouellet-Morin, I; Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Lupien, S.J; Dionne, G; Vitaro, F et Boivin, M (2016). « Evidence of a unique and common genetic etiology between the CAR and the remaining part of the diurnal cycle: a study of 14 year-old twins ». Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Serra-Poirier, C; Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2016). « Friendship experiences and anxiety among children: A genetically informed study ». Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Jelenkovic, A; ..., .; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Vitaro, F; ..., . et Silventoinen, K (2016). « Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts ». Scientific Reports.

Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R.E et Boivin, M (2016). « Links between friends’ physical aggression and adolescents’ physical aggression: What happens if gene-environment correlations are controlled? ». International Journal of Behavioral Development.

Girard, S.L; Bourassa, C.V; Lemieux Perreault, L.-P; Legault, M.-A; Barhdadi, A; Ambalavanan, A; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Noreau, A; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R.E; Dion, P.A; Boivin, M; Dubé, M.-P et Rouleau, G. A (2016). « Paternal age explains a major portion of De Novo germline mutation rate variability in healthy individuals ». PLoS One.

Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2016). « Personal and familial predictors of peer victimization trajectories from primary to secondary school ». Developmental Psychology.

Yokoyama, Y; ..., .; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Vitaro, F; ..., . et Silventoinen, K (2016). « Twin's birth-order differences in height and body mass index from birth to old age: A pooled study of 26 twin cohorts participating in the CODATwins Project ». Twin Research and Human Genetics.

Ouellet-Morin, I; Laurin, M; Robitaille, M.-P; Brendgen, M; Lupien, S; Boivin, M et Vitaro, F (2016). « Validation of an adapted procedure to collect hair for cortisol determination in adolescents ». Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Laursen, B; Hartl, A; Vitaro, V; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2016). « The spread of substance use and delinquency between adolescent twins ». Developmental Psychology.

Pryor, L.E; Brendgen, M; Tremblay, R.E; Pingault, J.-B; Liu, X; Dubois, L; Touchette, É; Falissard, B; Boivin, M et Côté, S.M (2015). « Early Risk Factors of Overweight Developmental Trajectories during Middle Childhood ». PLoS One.

Salazar, S; Boivin, M; Vitaro, F; Cantin, S; Forget-Dubois, N; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G et Tremblay, R. E. (2015). « Friendships and deviancy training in young children ». Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research.

Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2015). « Gene-Environment Correlation Linking Aggression and Peer Victimization: Do Classroom Behavioral Norms Matter? ». Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Lévesque, M.L; Fahim, C; Ismaylova, E; Verner, M-P; Casey, K.F; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Boivin, M; Tremblay, R.E et Booij, L (2015). « The Impact of the in utero and Early Postnatal Environments on Grey and White Matter Volume: A Study with Adolescent Monozygotic Twins ». Developmental Neuroscience.

Guimond, F.-A.; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2015). « Peer Victimization and Anxiety in Genetically Vulnerable Youth: The Protective Roles of Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Anti-Bullying Classroom Rules ». Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Plourde, V; Boivin, M; Forget-Dubois, N; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Marino, C; Tremblay, R.E et Dionne, G (2015). « Phenotypic and Genetic Associations Between Reading Comprehension, Decoding Skills, and ADHD Dimensions: Evidence from two population-based studies ». Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Carbonneau, R; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M et Tremblay, R.E (2015). « Trajectories of Gambling Problems from mid-adolescence to age 30 in a general population cohort ». Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2015). « The dark side of friends: A genetically informed study of victimization within early adolescents’ friendships ». Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Special Issue on Peer Victimization.

Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Boivin, M; Dionne, G et Tremblay, R.E (2015). « The expression of genetic risk for aggressive and non-aggressive antisocial behavior is moderated by peer group norms ». Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Salvas, M.-C.; Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R.E et Boivin, M (2014). « Gene-environment interplay in the link of friends' and nonfriends' behaviors with children's social reticence in a competitive situation ». Developmental Psychology.

Brendgen, M; Girard, A; Vitaro, F; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R.E; Pérusse, D et Boivin, M (2014). « Gene-environment processes linking peer victimization and physical health problems: A longitudinal twin study ». Journal of Pediatric Psychology.

Vitaro, F; Hartl, A. C.; Brendgen, M; Laursen, B; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2014). « Genetic and environmental influences on gambling and substance use in early adolescence ». Behavior Genetics.

Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Barker, E.D; Girard, A; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R. E. et Boivin, M (2013). « Do other people's plights matter? A genetically informed twin study of the role of social context in the link between peer victimization and children's aggression and depression symptoms ». Developmental Psychology.

Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Dionne, G; Dubois, L; Pérusse, D; Robaey, P; Tremblay, R.E et Vitaro, F (2013). « The Quebec Newborn Twin Study Into Adolescence: 15 years later ». Twin Research and Human Genetics.

Wettstein, A; Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Guimond, F; Forget-Dubois, N; Cantin, S; Dionne, G et Boivin, M (2013). « The additive and interactive roles of aggression, prosocial behavior, and social preference in predicting resource control in young children ». Journal of Aggression, Conflict, and Peace Research.

Vitaro, F; Boivin, M; Brendgen, M; Girard, A et Dionne, G (2012). « Social experiences in kindergarten and academic achievement in grade 1: A monozygotic twin difference study ». Journal of Educational Psychology.

Brendgen, M; Vitaro, F; Boivin, M; Girard, A; Bukowski, W.M; Dionne, G; Tremblay, R.E et Pérusse, D (2009). « Gene-environment interplay between peer rejection and depressive behavior in children ». Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Fergusson, D.M; Vitaro, F; Wanner, B et Brendgen, M (2007). « Protective and compensatory factors mitigating the influence of deviant friends on delinquent behaviours during early adolescence ». Journal of Adolescence.

Brendgen, M; Little, T.D et Krappmann, L (2000). « Rejected children and their friends: A shared evaluation of friendship quality? ». Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.

Chapitre de livre

Vitaro, F; Brendgen, M et Tremblay, R.E (2017). « Interplay between genetic and environmental influences on the development of aggressive antisocial behavior during childhood and adolescence », dans The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression, sous la dir. de Sturmey, Dans P.. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley.

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