How natural is a small anti-Theta in left-right SUSY models?

Hamzaoui, Cherif et Pospelov, Maxim (2002). « How natural is a small anti-Theta in left-right SUSY models? ». Physical Review D, 65(056002).

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In a world without an axion, the smallness of θ-bar may be achieved due to a spontaneously broken discrete left-right symmetry. We analyze the radiatively induced θ-bar in the context of generic left-right symmetric supersymmetry models without assuming flavor degeneracy in the squark sector. Left-right symmetry allows us to keep θ-bar within its present bound only if the intergenerational mass splitting in the squark sector at the scale of the left-right symmetry breaking is smaller than 0.5%. We also consider the naturalness of the mu=0 solution to the strong CP problem in the context of horizontal flavor symmetries. A strong bound on the combination of the horizontal charges in the up quark sector is found in this case

Type: Article de revue scientifique
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Mots-clés ou Sujets: Axions, CP invariance, flavor model, lagrangian field theory, P invariance, quantum chromodynamics, quarks, sparticles, supersymmetry, symmetry breaking, theoretical data
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
Déposé par: Chérif Hamzaoui
Date de dépôt: 28 avr. 2016 13:15
Dernière modification: 26 mai 2016 14:30
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