Legault, Marie-Josée (2009). « Too bad, you were too late in coming in! », dans Unions, equity and the path to renewal, sous la dir. de Foley, Janice et Baker, Patricia. Vancouver, UBC Press.
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The conflict raised by employees paid under two-tiered wage systems, known as “orphan” clauses in Quebec, shows how recently hired workers’ demands and interests are sometimes so distinct from those of the majority of the local union, that the situation affects solidarity and leads to conflicts. These conflicts raise very profound questions and, moreover, do so before the courts. In fact, in a unionized setting, these demands bring to the fore a deep tension between two dimensions of the formal equality of all union members: - on the one hand, formal equality entails that decisions are based on the primacy of a majority vote taken in a general meeting; in these voting processes, all workers have the same weight in collective decision making; as a result, a minority group may see its claims systematically dismissed; - on the other hand, it also entails that unions support the general principle of a corollary duty of treating workers all the same, or, if differentiating, applying the same rules to everyone in doing so, including while bargaining the next collective agreement. The new demands coming from “minority groups” call into question the practice of union democracy while bringing in the issue of equity vs. the prevailing formal equality notion traditionally rooted in unions.
Type: | Chapitre de livre |
Mots-clés ou Sujets: | Two-tiered wage systems, equity, unions, discrimination, formal equality |
Unité d'appartenance: | Télé-université > UER Travail, Économie et Gestion |
Déposé par: | Marie-Josée Legault |
Date de dépôt: | 26 nov. 2008 |
Dernière modification: | 27 nov. 2011 23:49 |
Adresse URL : | http://archipel.uqam.ca/id/eprint/1381 |
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