Carbon isotope discrimination and water stress in trembling aspen following variable retention harvesting

Bladon, Kevin D.; Silins, Uldis; Landhausser, Simon M.; Messier, Christian et Lieffers, Victor J. (2007). « Carbon isotope discrimination and water stress in trembling aspen following variable retention harvesting ». Tree physiology, 27, pp. 1065-1071.

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Variable retention harvesting (VRH) has been proposed as a silvicultural practice to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. No previous study has examined tree carbon isotope discrimination to provide insights into water stress that could lead to dieback and mortality of trees following VRH. We measured and compared the carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) in stem wood of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) before and after VRH. Eight trees were sampled from isolated residual, edge and control (interior of unharvested stand) positions from each of seven plots in three regions (Calling Lake and Drayton Valley, Alberta and Lac Duparquet, Que

Type: Article de revue scientifique
Mots-clés ou Sujets: atmospheric water stress, dieback, mortality, Populus tremuloides, regional differences, slenderness coefficient
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département des sciences biologiques
Déposé par: Christian Messier
Date de dépôt: 24 nov. 2008
Dernière modification: 01 nov. 2014 02:07
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