Allen, Nancy; April, Johanne et Bigras, Nathalie
« Recognition of the distinction between productivity and complexity of the
spontaneous narrative of children enrolled in ECEC’s: Promoting children’s language development. ». Conference, International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE), Leiden, Pays-Bas, avril, 2018.
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This theoretical proposal’s overall objectives are to describe the components of the spontaneous narrative necessary for the development of harmonious communication skills amongst unilingual and plurilingual dyads of children between the ages of 3 to 5- years-old from multi-ethnic origins and disadvantaged backgrounds enrolled in a unilingual francophone Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC). Current research suggests that attending a quality ECEC enables these children to develop language skills comparable to those of their peers (Schachter, Spear, Piasta, Justice, & Logan, 2016;
Zimmerman, Gilkerson, Richards, Christakis, Xu, Gray, & Yapanel, 2009) and to successfully enter kindergarten at age five which is one of Quebec’s educational objectives for the coming years (Ministry of Family and Seniors, 2015). Only a few researchers have examined microstructure intervention programs since the 1980s (Feffans, & Farran, 1994; Geroges-Remy, 1991; Morrow, 1985, 1986; Stadler, & Ward, 2010), yet language skills have an impact on literacy development. Indeed, children experiencing various difficulties related to oral communication, pragmatics or understimulation, are likely to experience difficulties in narrative production (Norbury, & Bishop, 2003).
Analysis of young children’s narrative development through spontaneous interaction can predict some of their difficulties when entering kindergarten; particularly with regard to the use of syntax, vocabulary, and social skills development (Bremond, 2006). The analysis of the microstructures present in children’s spontaneous narratives also allows for a detailed understanding of communication breakdowns as related to oral production and the interruption of continuing harmonious communication (Florin, 1991; Colleta, & Pellenq, 2004). Attention is thus directed towards the complexity of microstructures rather than towards productivity which would also demonstrate a more mature language development.
Studies (Jones, 1998; Baranowski et al., 2003) show that learning situations arising from play create favorable conditions for the development of oral skills; including feedback, interaction, and active participation of learners. These situations also have implications
for other aspects of child development: cognitive, emotional, and psycho-motor skills (Garris, Ahlers, & Criskell, 2002; Shaftel, Pass, & Schnabel, 2005). In addition, research has shown that developing speaking skills and understanding is more effective in the context of games, interactive strategies, and activities which are used to promote language and
communication; for example, during intentional dialogues between adult and child or in peer-to-peer conversations (Solomon, & Rhodes, 1995).
Based on this theoretical proposal, a multi-year professional literacy experience with the educational staff is planned aiming to present them with the dimensions implemented in language learning in regard to the microstructure and development of a long-term teaching strategy. The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (Pianta, La Paro, & Hamre, 2005), quantifies the interactions between adult and child. This observation tool makes it possible to measure various indicators including “Instructional Support” which is the language measure that has generally received the lowest scores in previous studies. This tool primarily allows the measurement of the frequency of the interactions but does not qualitatively assess the matter. A more detailed and exploratory description suggests that consideration of the volubility of the educators and the syntactic complexity of their remarks may be correlated with these variables in children. Quality interactions initiated by educators would therefore have a favorable impact on children’s epistemic and pragmatic microstructure development.