Parental Stress and Daycare Attendance. Does Daycare Quality and Parental Satisfaction with Daycare Moderate the Relation Between Family Income and Stress Level among Parents of Four Years Old Children?

Bigras, Nathalie; Lemay, Lise et Brunson, Liesette (2012). « Parental Stress and Daycare Attendance. Does Daycare Quality and Parental Satisfaction with Daycare Moderate the Relation Between Family Income and Stress Level among Parents of Four Years Old Children? ». Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 55, pp. 894-901.

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This study examine whether quality of daycare and parental satisfaction with daycare moderate the relationship between family income and parental stress. The sample consisted of 163 families of four year old children (Montreal), who have attended regulated daycare full time since 12 months old. Results indicate that parental satisfaction with daycare is a significant predictor of parental stress and that low quality of care moderates the relation between low family income and high parental stress. The results underline the importance of interventions to enhance quality in daycare settings, particularly in a childcare network largely funded by the government.

Type: Article de revue scientifique
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Parental Stress Daycare Quality, Family Income, Parental Satisfaction with Daycare
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences de l'éducation > Chaire de recherche sur les enjeux de la diversité en éducation
Déposé par: Nathalie Bigras
Date de dépôt: 15 oct. 2018 09:03
Dernière modification: 31 mai 2019 09:45
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