Pole, Nancy et Community Foundations Canada,
Vital signs : an exploratory case study of community foundations' local collaborations in a National program context.
Université du Québec à Montréal, Laboratoire montréalais de recherche sur la philanthropie canadienne (PhiLab), Montréal, Québec, Working Paper, no 8, 71 p.
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The Vital Signs program allows community foundations across Canada to produce a “report card” on the state of well-being of their respective communities. Vital Signs is presented as both a tool that benefits community foundations – as a means by which they can build their profile, ground their relevance and position their leadership in the community – and as a means to engage local communities around issues of concern. At the present time, community foundations are invited to expand the range of roles that they occupy to include that of knowledge broker. At the same time, in recognition of the growing number of other actors present in the community data and indicators landscape, community foundations are invited to rethink Vital Signs’ relationship to actual and potential partners, collaborators and competitors. This case study’s overall purpose was to describe and explore the local collaborations and partnerships that community foundations undertake within the context of the Vital Signs program, and to understand their relationship to the program’s purposes and outcomes. The investigation was framed by an understanding of the Vital Signs program as one means by which community foundations fulfill the “community leadership” aspect of their mission. This case study is part of a larger multiple case study design looking into the collaboration practices of grantmaking foundations. The case studies that form part of the research cluster’s initial exploratory phase aim to identify potential areas for fuller inquiry at a later stage. Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) was a full partner in this research undertaking, helping to define research questions and assisting in data collection. For CFC, it was hoped that the case study would help to illustrate the effects that collaboration and the use of common indicators can have upon planning and decision-making for community and local development. An embedded mixed methods design was chosen for this study, with the Vital Signs program as its primary unit of analysis, and participating community foundations as subunits. Mixing occurred through all points of the research: at the point of design, with the choice to embed quantitative methods in a primarily qualitative design, as well as data collection, analysis and interpretation.