Higgs-boson-mediated FCNC in supersymmetric models with large tan(beta)

Hamzaoui, C.; Pospelov, M. et Toharia, M. (1999). « Higgs-boson-mediated FCNC in supersymmetric models with large tan(beta) ». Physical Review D, 59(095005).

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In the supersymmetric models with nontrivial flavour structure in the soft-breaking sector the exchange of neutral Higgses mediates ΔF=2 transitions. This mechanism is studied for ΔS,ΔB=2 processes and for a generic form of the soft-breaking terms. We find that Higgs-mediated FCNC amplitudes increase very rapidly with tanβ and can exceed SUSY box contribution by up to two orders of magnitude when tanβ∼mt/mb.

Type: Article de revue scientifique
Informations complémentaires: Source: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9807350
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Higgs-mediated fcnc, supersymmetic model, large tan, soft-breaking sector, generic form, soft-breaking term, neutral higgses, susy box contribution, nontrivial flavour structure, supersymmetric model, tan mt mb
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
Déposé par: Chérif Hamzaoui
Date de dépôt: 28 avr. 2016 18:31
Dernière modification: 26 mai 2016 14:30
Adresse URL : http://archipel.uqam.ca/id/eprint/8359


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