Urli, Simon; Bergel, Alexandre; Blay-Fornarino, Mireille; Collet, Philippe et Mosser, Sébastien
« A visual support for decomposing complex feature models » (3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, VISSOFT 2015, Bremen, Germany, September 27-28, 2015)
pp. 76-85.
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In Software Product Line (SPL) engineering, Feature Models (FMs) are widely used to capture and manage variability in a sound and organized fashion. Through semantics, notations and reasoning support are well established, maintaining large FMs is still an open problem. As large FMs naturally contain different concerns, some related to domains, others being inherently cross-cutting ones, it is challenging to find a decomposition that will tame this complexity and ease maintenance.
This paper presents a visual representation of dependent FMs useful in decomposing a large FM while quantitatively visualizing constraints between and inside them. This Variability Blueprint is intuitive enough to enable the SPL maintainer to confine dependencies between FMs in a small set of identified features inside each decomposed FM. We describe our blueprint and report on its application in two case studies.