Centres institutionnels > Centre de recherche en géochimie et géodynamique (GEOTOP)
année 2020

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Nombre de documents archivés : 13.


Altoe, I; Eeken, T; Goes, S; Foster, A et Darbyshire, Fiona (2020). « Thermo-Compositional Structure of the North-Eastern Canadian Shield from Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Analysis as a Record of its Tectonic History ». Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 547.

Aubry, Aurélie; De Schepper, Stijn et de Vernal, Anne (2020). « Dinocyst and acritarch biostratigraphy of the Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1307 in the Labrador Sea ». Journal of Micropalaeontology, 39, pp. 41-60.

Aubry, Aurélie et de Vernal, Anne (2020). « Baffin Bay late Neogene palynostratigraphy at Ocean Drilling Program Site 645 ». Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.


Dubois, Emmanuel; Doummar, Joanna; Pistre, Séverin et Larocque, Marie (2020). « Calibration of a lumped karst system model and application to the Qachqouch karst spring (Lebanon) under climate change conditions ». Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(9), pp. 4275-4290.

Dubé, Jean-Michel; Darbyshire, Fiona; Liddell, Mitch V.; Stephenson, Randell et Oakey, Gordon (2020). « Seismic anisotropy of the Canadian High Arctic: evidence from shear-wave splitting ». Tectonophysics, 789.

de Vernal, Anne; Hillaire-Marcel, Claude; Le Duc, Cynthia; Roberge, Philippe; Brice, Camille; Matthiessen, Jens; Spielhagen, Robert F et Stein, Ruediger (2020). « Natural variability of the Arctic Ocean sea ice during the present interglacial ». PNAS, 117(42), pp. 26069-26075.


Foster, Anna; Darbyshire, Fiona et Schaeffer, Andrew (2020). « Anisotropic structure of the central North American Craton surrounding the Mid-Continent Rift: Evidence from Rayleigh waves ». Precambrian Research, 342.


Gosselin, J; Audet, P; Schaeffer, A; Darbyshire, Fiona et Estève, C (2020). « Azimuthal anisotropy in Bayesian surface-wave tomography: application to northern Cascadia and Haida Gwaii ». Geophysical Journal International, 224.


Lihl, Christina; Heckel, Benjamin; Grzybkowska, Anna; Dybala-Defratyka, Agnieszka; Ponsin, Violaine; Torrentó, Clara; Hunkeler, Daniel et Elsner, Martin (2020). « Compound-specific chlorine isotope fractionation in biodegradation of atrazine ». Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.


Melsbach, Aileen; Torrentó, Clara; Ponsin, Violaine; Bolotin, Jakov; Lachat, Laurence; Prasuhn, Volker; Hofstetter, Thomas B.; Hunkeler, Daniel et Elsner, Martin (2020). « Dual-Element Isotope Analysis of Desphenylchloridazon to Investigate its Environmental Fate in a Systematic Field Study - A Long-Term Lysimeter Experiment ». Environmental Science & Technology.

Méjean, Pauline; Pinti, Daniele L.; Kagoshima, Takanori; Roulleau, Emilie; Demarets, Laura; Poirier, André; Takahata, Naoto; Sano, Yuji et Larocque, Marie (2020). « Mantle helium in Southern Quebec groundwater: A possible fossil record of the New England hotspot ». Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 545, p. 116352.


Pausata, Francesco S.R.; Zanchettin, Davide; Karamperidou, Christina; Caballero, Rodrigo et Battisti, Davide S. (2020). « ITCZ shift and extratropical teleconnections drive ENSO response to volcanic eruptions ». Science Advances(6).

Pinti, Daniele L.; Shouakar-Stash, Orfan; Clara Castro, M.; Lopez-Hernández, Aida; Hall, Chris M.; Rocher, Océane; Shibata, Tomo et Ramírez-Montes, Miguel (2020). « The bromine and chlorine isotopic composition of the mantle as revealed by deep geothermal fluids ». Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 276, pp. 14-30.

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