Centres institutionnels > Centre de recherche en géochimie et géodynamique (GEOTOP)
année 2017

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Nombre de documents archivés : 8.


Bourgault, Marc-André; Larocque, Marie et Garneau, Michelle (2017). « Quantification of peatland water storage capacity using the water table fluctuation method ». Hydrological Processes, 31(5), pp. 1184-1195.


Darbyshire, F. A.; Bastow, I. D.; Petrescu, L.; Gilligan, A. et Thompson, D. A. (2017). « A tale of two orogens: Crustal processes in the Proterozoic Trans-Hudson and Grenville Orogens, eastern Canada ». Tectonics, 36(8), pp. 1633-1659.


Hénault-Ethier, Louise; Larocque, Marie; Perron, Rachel; Wiseman, Natalie et Labrecque, Michel (2017). « Hydrological heterogeneity in agricultural riparian buffer strips ». Journal of Hydrology, 546, pp. 276-288.


Levin, V. et and 3 others, . (2017). « Crust-mantle boundary in eastern North America, from the (oldest) craton to the (youngest) rift. ». Geological Society of America Special Papers, 526, pp. 107-131.


Méjean, Pauline; Pinti, Daniele L.; Ghaleb, Bassam et Larocque, Marie (2017). « Fracturing-induced release of radiogenic 4 He and 234 U into groundwater during the last deglaciation: An alternative source to crustal helium fluxes in periglacial aquifers ». Water Resources Research, 53(7), pp. 5677-5689.


Petrescu, Laura; Darbyshire, Fiona; Bastow, Ian; Totten, Eoghan et Gilligan, Amy (2017). « Seismic anisotropy of Precambrian lithosphere: Insights from Rayleigh wave tomography of the eastern Superior Craton ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(5), pp. 3754-3775.


Quillet, Anne; Larocque, Marie; Pellerin, Stéphanie; Cloutier, Vincent; Ferlatte, Miryane; Paniconi, Claudio et Bourgault, Marc-André (2017). « The role of hydrogeological setting in two Canadian peatlands investigated through 2D steady-state groundwater flow modelling ». Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(15), pp. 2541-2557.


Saby, Marion; Larocque, Marie; Pinti, Daniele L.; Barbecot, Florent; Gagné, Sylvain; Barnetche, Diogo et Cabana, Hubert (2017). « Regional assessment of concentrations and sources of pharmaceutically active compounds, pesticides, nitrate, and E. coli in post-glacial aquifer environments (Canada) ». Science of The Total Environment, 579, pp. 557-568.

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