Centres institutionnels > Centre d'étude de la forêt (CEF)
année 2009

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Nombre de documents archivés : 8.


Aubin, Isabelle; Ouellette, Marie-Hélène; Legendre, Pierre; Messier, Christian et Bouchard, André (2009). « Comparison of two plant functional approaches to evaluate natural restoration along an old-field-deciduous forest chronosequence ». Journal of Vegetation Science, 20, pp. 185-198.


Bauhus, Jürgen; Puettmann, Klaus et Messier, Christian (2009). « Silviculture for old-growthness ». Forest Ecology and Management, 258, pp. 525-537.

Berninger, Kati; Kneeshaw, Daniel et Messier, Christian (2009). « Effects of presenting forest simulation results on the forest values and attitudes of forestry professionals and other forest users in Central Labrador ». Forest Policy and Economics, 11, pp. 140-147.

Berninger, Kati; Kneeshaw, Daniel et Messier, Christian (2009). « The role of cultural models in local perceptions of SFM - Differences and similarities of interest groups from three boreal regions ». Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 740-751.


Drever, C. Ronnie; Bergeron, Yves; Drever, Mark C.; Flannigan, Mike; Logan, Travis et Messier, Christian (2009). « Effects of climate on occurence and size of large fires in a northern hardwood landscape: historical trends, forecasts, and implications for climate change in Témiscamingue, Québec ». Applied Vegetation Science, 12, pp. 261-272.


Hartmann, Henrik; Beaudet, Marilou; Mazerolle, Marc J. et Messier, Christian (2009). « Sugar maple (Acer saccharum March.) growth is influenced by close conspecifics and skid trait proximity following selection harvest ». Forest Ecology and Management, 258, pp. 823-831.


Messier, Christian; Coll, Lluis; Poitras-Larivière, Amélie; Bélanger, Nicolas et Brisson, Jacques (2009). « Resource and non-resource root competition among trees of different successional status ». Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 548-554.

Messier, Christian; Tittler, Rebecca; Kneeshaw, D.D.; Gélinas, Nancy; Paquette, Alain; Berninger, Kati; Rheault, H.; Meek, P. et Beaulieu, N. (2009). « TRIAD zoning in Quebec: Experiences and results after 5 years ». The Forestry Chronicle, 85, pp. 885-896.

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