Instituts > Institut des sciences cognitives (ISC)
année 1997

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Nombre de documents archivés : 8.

Article de revue scientifique

Harnad, Stevan (1997). « How to Fast-Forward Serials to the Inevitable and the Optimal for Scholars and Scientists ». Learned Publishing, 30, pp. 73-81.

Harnad, Stevan (1997). « Learned Inquiry and the Net: The Role of Peer Review, Peer Commentary and Copyright. ». Learned Publishing, 11(4), pp. 283-292.

Harnad, Stevan (1997). « The Paper House of Cards (And Why It Is Taking So Long To Collapse) ». Ariadne, 8, pp. 6-7.

Communication, article de congrès ou colloque

Pevtzow, R. et Harnad, S. (1997). « Warping Similarity Space in Category Learning by Human Subjects: The Role of Task Difficulty », dans Proceedings of SimCat 1997 (Interdisciplinary Workshop on Similarity andCategorization, Edinbourgh), sous la dir. de Ramscar, H.; Hahn, U,; Cambouropolos, E. et Pain, H. pp. 189-195.

Tijsseling, A. et Harnad, S. (1997). « Warping Similarity Space in Category Learning by Backprop Nets », dans SimCat 1997 (Interdisciplinary Workshop on Similarity and Categorization, Edinbourgh, 1997), sous la dir. de Ramscar, M; Hahn, U; Cambouropolos, E et Pain, H. pp. 263-269.

Chapitre de livre

Harnad, S. et Hemus, M. (1997). « All Or None: No Stable Hybrid or Half-Way Solutions for Launching the Learned Periodical Literature into the PostGutenberg Galaxy », dans The Impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community, sous la dir. de Butterworth, I.. London, Portland Press, pp. 18-27.

Article de revue culturelle

Harnad, Stevan (1997). « Lively Flights of Fancy ». Times Higher Education Supplement.

Harnad, Stevan (1997). « "Lively Flights of Fancy." ». Times Higher Education Supplement..

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