Nombre de documents archivés : 3.
Demange, Anthony; Moha, Naouel et Tremblay, Guy (2013). « Detection of SOA Patterns ». Service-Oriented Computing, 8274, pp. 114-130.
Wallace, Charles; Tremblay, Guy et Amaral, José N. (2001). « An Abstract State Machine Specification and Verification of the Location Consistency Memory Model and Cache Protocol ». Journal of Universal Computer Science, 7(11), pp. 1088-1112.
Palma, Francis; Moha, Naouel; Tremblay, Guy et Gu\'h\'neuc, Yann-Ga\"l (2014). « Specification and Detection of SOA Antipatterns in Web Services » (Software Architecture - 8th European Conference, ECSA 2014, Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, 2014. Proceedings, ) pp. 58-73.