Nombre de documents archivés : 3.
Gauthier, Pierre; Tanguay, Monique; Laroche, Stéphane; Pellerin, Simon et Morneau, Josée (2007). « Extension of 3DVAR to 4DVAR: Implementation of 4DVAR at the Meteorological Service of Canada ». Monthly Weather Review, 135(6), pp. 2339-2354.
Laroche, Stéphane; Gauthier, Pierre; Tanguay, Monique; Pellerin, Simon et Morneau, Josée (2007). « Impact of the Different Components of 4DVAR on the Global Forecast System of the Meteorological Service of Canada ». Monthly Weather Review, 135(6), pp. 2355-2364.
Tanguay, Monique; Polavarapu, Saroja et Gauthier, Pierre (1997). « Temporal Accumulation of First-Order Linearization Error for Semi-Lagrangian Passive Advection ». Monthly Weather Review, 125(6), pp. 1296-1311.