Parcourir par auteur Sievänen, R.

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Nombre de documents archivés : 3.

Article de revue scientifique

Nikinmaa, E.; Messier, C.; Sievänen, R.; Perttunen, J. et Lehtonen, M. (2003). « Shoot growth and crown development: effect of crown position in three-dimensional simulations ». Tree Physiology, 23, pp. 129-136.

Lo, E.; Wang, Z.M.; Lechowicz, M.; Messier, C.; Nikinmaa, E.; Perttunen, J. et Sievänen, R. (2001). « Adaptation of the LIGNUM model for simulations of growth and light response in Jack pine ». Forest Ecology and Management, 150, pp. 279-291.

Perttunen, J.; Nikinmaa, E.; Lechowicz, M.J.; Sievänen, R. et Messier, C . (2001). « Application of the functional-structural tree model LIGNUM to sugar maple saplings (Acer saccharum Marsh) growing in forest gaps ». Annals of Botany, 88, pp. 471-481.

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