Nombre de documents archivés : 4.
Kamali, Amin Allah; Moayyed, Mohsen; Saumur, Benoit M. et Fadaeian, Mohammad (2022). « Mineralogy and Mineral Chemistry of Dioritic Dykes, Quartz Diorite Enclaves and Pyroxene of the Sungun Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit, East Azerbaijan, Iran ». Minerals, 12(10), p. 1218.
Kamali, Amin Allah; Moayyed, Mohsen; Saumur, Benoit M. et Fadaeian, Mohammad (2022). « Mineralogy and Mineral Chemistry of Dioritic Dykes, Quartz Diorite Enclaves and Pyroxene of the Sungun Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit, East Azerbaijan, Iran ». Minerals, 12(10), p. 1218.
Milier, K; Houlé, M.G.; Saumur, Benoit M.; Dejou, B et Lulin, J.-M. (2023). « Preliminary Petro-Geochemical Investigation of the Ni–Cu Occurrence of W1 Ultramafic Intrusion (Wapatik) within the Lower Eastmain Greenstone Belt of the Superior Province, Eeyou–Istchee Baie-James, Northern Quebec, Canada », dans GAC-MAC-SGA 2023 Sudbury Meeting: Abstracts, Volume 46 (GAC-MAC-SGA, Sudbury, 24-29 mai 2023), sous la dir. de Lesher, M. p. 187.
Folkesson, Carl-Philippe; Saumur, Benoit M.; Davies, Joshua; Hey, Jon et Johnston, Stephen T (2023). « Precambrian Turbidites of Eqe Bay, Baffin Island: Stratigraphic, Structural and Geochronological Constraints on the Evolution of Canada's Arctic Greenstone Belts » (The 9th International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM 9) Abstract Volume, Ottawa, Juin 2022) Ottawa, Geological Survey of Canada, pp. 53-54.