Parcourir par auteur Ponsin, Violaine

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Nombre de documents archivés : 13.

Article de revue scientifique

Lévesque-Vargas, Matias; Ohlund, Leanne; Sleno, Lekha; Gélinas, Yves; Höhener, Patrick et Ponsin, Violaine (2025). « Insights from multiple stable isotopes (C, N, Cl) into the photodegradation of herbicides atrazine and metolachlor ». Chemosphere, 370.

Lhoste, Élise; Comte, Francis; Brown, Kevin; Delisle, Alain; Jaclin, David; Ponsin, Violaine; Rosabal, Maikel et Lazar, Cassandre S. (2023). « Bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryote diversity in planktonic and sessile communities inside an abandoned and flooded iron mine (Quebec, Canada) ». Applied Microbiology.

Sra, Kanwartej S; Ponsin, Violaine; Kolhatkar, Ravi; Hunkeler, Daniel; Thomson, Neil R; Madsen, Eugene L et Buscheck, Timothy E. (2022). « Sulfate Land Application Enhances Biodegradation in a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Smear Zone ». Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation.

Torrentó, Clara; Ponsin, Violaine; Lihl, Christina; Hofstetter, Thomas B.; Baran, Nicole; Elsner, Martin et Hunkeler, Daniel (2021). « Triple-Element Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis (3D-CSIA): Added Value of Cl Isotope Ratios to Assess Herbicide Degradation ». Environmental Science & Technology.

Lihl, Christina; Heckel, Benjamin; Grzybkowska, Anna; Dybala-Defratyka, Agnieszka; Ponsin, Violaine; Torrentó, Clara; Hunkeler, Daniel et Elsner, Martin (2020). « Compound-specific chlorine isotope fractionation in biodegradation of atrazine ». Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.

Melsbach, Aileen; Torrentó, Clara; Ponsin, Violaine; Bolotin, Jakov; Lachat, Laurence; Prasuhn, Volker; Hofstetter, Thomas B.; Hunkeler, Daniel et Elsner, Martin (2020). « Dual-Element Isotope Analysis of Desphenylchloridazon to Investigate its Environmental Fate in a Systematic Field Study - A Long-Term Lysimeter Experiment ». Environmental Science & Technology.

Ponsin, Violaine; Torrentó, Clara; Lihl, Christina; Elsner, Martin et Hunkeler, Daniel (2019). « Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis of the Herbicides Atrazine, Acetochlor, and Metolachlor ». Analytical Chemistry.

Torrentó, Clara; Bakkour, Rani; Glauser, Gaétan; Melsbach, Aileen; Ponsin, Violaine; Hofstetter, Thomas B.; Elsner, Martin et Hunkeler, Daniel (2019). « Solid-phase extraction method for stable isotope analysis of pesticides from large volume environmental water samples ». The Analyst, 144(9), pp. 2898-2908.

Torrentó, Clara; Prasuhn, Volker; Spiess, Ernst; Ponsin, Violaine; Melsbach, Aileen; Lihl, Christina; Glauser, Gaétan; Hofstetter, Thomas B.; Elsner, Martin et Hunkeler, Daniel (2018). « Adsorbing vs. Nonadsorbing Tracers for Assessing Pesticide Transport in Arable Soils ». Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1).

Ponsin, Violaine; Buscheck, Timothy E. et Hunkeler, Daniel (2018). « How to Apply Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis to Complex Environmental Samples ». CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, 72(1), p. 69.

Ponsin, Violaine; Mouloubou, Olsen Raïnness; Prudent, Pascale et Höhener, Patrick (2014). « Does phosphate enhance the natural attenuation of crude oil in groundwater under defined redox conditions? ». Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 169, pp. 4-18.

Communication, article de congrès ou colloque

Torrentó, Clara; Bakkour, Rani; Ryabenko, Evgenia; Ponsin, Violaine; Prasuhn, Volker; Hofstetter, Thomas B.; Elsner, Martin et Hunkeler, Daniel (2015). « Fate of Four Herbicides in an Irrigated Field Cropped with Corn: Lysimeter Experiments » (11th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference, Orléans, France, 21-25 Septembre 2015) pp. 158-161. ISSN 18785220

Rapport de recherche

Ponsin, Violaine; Larocque, Marie et Mercure-Nadeau, Marilys (2024). Bilan de la qualité des eaux de surface, des eaux souterraines et des sols du bassin versant de la rivière Saint-André. UQAM, 69 p.

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