Parcourir par auteur Ouali, Anis

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Nombre de documents archivés : 2.

Kerhervé, Brigitte; Ouali, Anis et Landon, Paul (2005). « Design and production of new media artworks », dans Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Multimedia For Human Communication: From Capture To Convey (ACM Workshop on Multimedia For Human Communication: From Capture To Convey, Singapore, novembre 2005) pp. 11-16.

Ouali, Anis; Kerhervé, Brigitte et Landon, Paul (2005). « An adaptation framework for new media artworks », dans Proceedings of the 13th Annual ACM international Conference on Multimedia (13th Annual ACM international Conference on Multimedia, Singapore, novembre 2005) pp. 586-589.

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