Nombre de documents archivés : 2.
Boyce, A.; Bastow, I. D.; Darbyshire, F. A.; Ellwood, A. G.; Gilligan, A.; Levin, V. et Menke, W. (2016). « Subduction beneath Laurentia modified the eastern North American cratonic edge: Evidence from P wave and S wave tomography ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(7), pp. 5013-5030.
Petrescu, L.; Bastow, I. D.; Darbyshire, F. A.; Gilligan, A.; Bodin, T.; Menke, W. et Levin, V. (2016). « Three billion years of crustal evolution in eastern Canada: Constraints from receiver functions ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(2), pp. 788-811.