Parcourir par auteur Laprise, René

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Nombre de documents archivés : 49.

Hernández-Díaz, Leticia; Nikiéma, Oumarou; Laprise, René; Winger, Katja et Dandoy, Samuel (2019). « Effect of empirical correction of sea-surface temperature biases on the CRCM5-simulated climate and projected climate changes over North America ». Climate Dynamics.

Matte, Dominic; Thériault, Julie M. et Laprise, René (2018). « Correction to: Mixed precipitation occurrences over southern Québec, Canada, under warmer climate conditions using a regional climate model ». Climate Dynamics.

Matte, Dominic; Thériault, Julie M. et Laprise, René (2018). « Mixed precipitation occurrences over southern Québec, Canada, under warmer climate conditions using a regional climate model ». Climate Dynamics.

Clément, Marilys; Nikiéma, Oumarou et Laprise, René (2017). « Limited-area atmospheric energetics: illustration on a simulation of the CRCM5 over eastern North America for December 2004 ». Climate Dynamics, 48(9-10), pp. 2797-2818.

Takhsha, Maryam; Nikiéma, Oumarou; Lucas-Picher, Philippe; Laprise, René; Hernández-Díaz, Leticia et Winger, Katja (2017). « Dynamical downscaling with the fifth-generation Canadian regional climate model (CRCM5) over the CORDEX Arctic domain: effect of large-scale spectral nudging and of empirical correction of sea-surface temperature ». Climate Dynamics.

Nikiéma, Oumarou; Laprise, René et Dugas, Bernard (2017). « Energetics of transient-eddy and inter-member variabilities in global and regional climate model simulations ». Climate Dynamics.

Clément, Marilys; Nikiéma, Oumarou et Laprise, René (2017). « Erratum to: Limited-area atmospheric energetics: illustration on a simulation of the CRCM5 over eastern North America for December 2004 ». Climate Dynamics, 48(9-10), pp. 3457-3458.

Matte, Dominic; Laprise, René; Thériault, Julie M. et Lucas-Picher, Philippe (2017). « Erratum to: Spatial spin-up of fine scales in a regional climate model simulation driven by low-resolution boundary condition ». Climate Dynamics.

Di Luca, Alejandro; Argüeso, Daniel; Evans, Jason P.; de Elía, Ramón et Laprise, René (2016). « Quantifying the overall added value of dynamical downscaling and the contribution from different spatial scales ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(4), pp. 1575-1590.

Hernández-Díaz, Leticia; Laprise, René; Nikiéma, Oumarou et Winger, Katja (2016). « 3-Step dynamical downscaling with empirical correction of sea-surface conditions: application to a CORDEX Africa simulation ». Climate Dynamics.

Nikiéma, Oumarou et Laprise, René (2016). « Energy cycle associated with inter-member variability in a large ensemble of simulations with the Canadian RCM (CRCM5) ». Climate Dynamics, 46(1-2), pp. 651-670.

Lucas-Picher, Philippe; Laprise, René et Winger, Katja (2016). « Evidence of added value in North American regional climate model hindcast simulations using ever-increasing horizontal resolutions ». Climate Dynamics.

Matte, Dominic; Laprise, René; Thériault, Julie M. et Lucas-Picher, Philippe (2016). « Spatial spin-up of fine scales in a regional climate model simulation driven by low-resolution boundary conditions ». Climate Dynamics.

de Elía, Ramón; Laprise, René; Biner, Sébastien et Merleau, James (2016). « Synchrony between reanalysis-driven RCM simulations and observations: variation with time scale ». Climate Dynamics.

Diaconescu, Emilia Paula; Gachon, Philippe et Laprise, René (2015). « On the Remapping Procedure of Daily Precipitation Statistics and Indices Used in Regional Climate Model Evaluation ». Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16(6), pp. 2301-2310.

Sommerfeld, Anja; Nikiema, Oumarou; Rinke, Annette; Dethloff, Klaus et Laprise, René (2015). « Arctic budget study of intermember variability using HIRHAM5 ensemble simulations ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(18), pp. 9390-9407.

Diaconescu, Emilia Paula; Gachon, Philippe; Scinocca, John et Laprise, René (2015). « Evaluation of daily precipitation statistics and monsoon onset/retreat over western Sahel in multiple data sets ». Climate Dynamics, 45(5-6), pp. 1325-1354.

Roy, Philippe; Gachon, Philippe et Laprise, René (2014). « Sensitivity of seasonal precipitation extremes to model configuration of the Canadian Regional Climate Model over eastern Canada using historical simulations ». Climate Dynamics, 43(9-10), pp. 2431-2453.

Laprise, René; Hernández-Díaz, Leticia; Tete, Kossivi; Sushama, Laxmi; Šeparović, Leo; Martynov, Andrey; Winger, Katja et Valin, Michel (2013). « Climate projections over CORDEX Africa domain using the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5) ». Climate Dynamics, 41(11-12), pp. 3219-3246.

Šeparović, Leo; Alexandru, Adelina; Laprise, René; Martynov, Andrey; Sushama, Laxmi; Winger, Katja; Tete, Kossivi et Valin, Michel (2013). « Present climate and climate change over North America as simulated by the fifth-generation Canadian regional climate model ». Climate Dynamics, 41(11-12), pp. 3167-3201.

Martynov, A.; Laprise, René; Sushama, L.; Winger, K.; Šeparović, L. et Dugas, B. (2013). « Reanalysis-driven climate simulation over CORDEX North America domain using the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5: model performance evaluation ». Climate Dynamics, 41(11-12), pp. 2973-3005.

Diaconescu, Emilia Paula et Laprise, René (2013). « Can added value be expected in RCM-simulated large scales? ». Climate Dynamics, 41(7-8), pp. 1769-1800.

Nikiéma, Oumarou et Laprise, René (2013). « An approximate energy cycle for inter-member variability in ensemble simulations of a regional climate model ». Climate Dynamics, 41(3-4), pp. 831-852.

Huziy, O.; Sushama, L.; Khaliq, M. N.; Laprise, René; Lehner, B. et Roy, R. (2013). « Analysis of streamflow characteristics over Northeastern Canada in a changing climate ». Climate Dynamics, 40(7-8), pp. 1879-1901.

Hernández-Díaz, Leticia; Laprise, René; Sushama, Laxmi; Martynov, Andrey; Winger, Katja et Dugas, Bernard (2013). « Climate simulation over CORDEX Africa domain using the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5) ». Climate Dynamics, 40(5-6), pp. 1415-1433.

Di Luca, Alejandro; de Elía, Ramón et Laprise, René (2013). « Potential for small scale added value of RCM’s downscaled climate change signal ». Climate Dynamics, 40(3-4), pp. 601-618.

Di Luca, Alejandro; de Elía, Ramón et Laprise, René (2013). « Potential for added value in temperature simulated by high-resolution nested RCMs in present climate and in the climate change signal ». Climate Dynamics, 40(1-2), pp. 443-464.

Monette, A.; Sushama, L.; Khaliq, M. N.; Laprise, René et Roy, R. (2012). « Projected changes to precipitation extremes for northeast Canadian watersheds using a multi-RCM ensemble ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117(D13106), n/a-n/a.

Diaconescu, Emilia Paula et Laprise, René (2012). « Singular vectors in atmospheric sciences: A review ». Earth-Science Reviews, 113(3-4), pp. 161-175.

Separovic, Leo; de Elía, Ramon et Laprise, René (2012). « Impact of spectral nudging and domain size in studies of RCM response to parameter modification ». Climate Dynamics, 38(7-8), pp. 1325-1343.

Surcel, Dorina et Laprise, René (2012). « A General Filter for Stretched-Grid Models: Application in Two-Dimension Polar Geometry ». Monthly Weather Review, 140(3), pp. 919-940.

Di Luca, Alejandro; de Elía, Ramón et Laprise, René (2012). « Potential for added value in precipitation simulated by high-resolution nested Regional Climate Models and observations ». Climate Dynamics, 38(5-6), pp. 1229-1247.

Diaconescu, Emilia Paula; Laprise, René et Zadra, Ayrton (2012). « Singular vector decomposition of the internal variability of the Canadian Regional Climate Model ». Climate Dynamics, 38(5-6), pp. 1093-1113.

Martynov, Andrey; Sushama, Laxmi; Laprise, René; Winger, Katja et Dugas, Bernard (2012). « Interactive lakes in the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5: the role of lakes in the regional climate of North America ». Tellus A, 64(16226).

Nikiema, Oumarou et Laprise, René (2011). « Budget study of the internal variability in ensemble simulations of the Canadian Regional Climate Model at the seasonal scale ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116(D16112).

Mladjic, B.; Sushama, L.; Khaliq, M. N.; Laprise, René; Caya, D. et Roy, R. (2011). « Canadian RCM Projected Changes to Extreme Precipitation Characteristics over Canada ». Journal of Climate, 24(10), pp. 2565-2584.

Surcel, Dorina et Laprise, René (2011). « A General Filter for Stretched-Grid Models: Application in Cartesian Geometry ». Monthly Weather Review, 139(5), pp. 1637-1653.

Gutowski, William J.; Arritt, Raymond W.; Kawazoe, Sho; Flory, David M.; Takle, Eugene S.; Biner, Sébastien; Caya, Daniel; Jones, Richard G.; Laprise, René; Leung, L. Ruby; Mearns, Linda O.; Moufouma-Okia, Wilfran; Nunes, Ana M. B.; Qian, Yun; Roads, John O.; Sloan, Lisa C. et Snyder, Mark A. (2010). « Regional Extreme Monthly Precipitation Simulated by NARCCAP RCMs ». Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(6), pp. 1373-1379.

Martynov, Andrey; Sushama, Laxmi et Laprise, René (2010). « Simulation of temperate freezing lakes by one-dimensional lake models: performance assessment for interactive coupling with regional climate models ». Boreal Environment Research, 15(2), pp. 143-164.

Long, Z.; Perrie, W.; Gyakum, J.; Laprise, René et Caya, D. (2009). « Scenario changes in the climatology of winter midlatitude cyclone activity over eastern North America and the Northwest Atlantic ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 114(D12111).

Alexandru, Adelina; de Elia, Ramon; Laprise, René; Separovic, Leo et Biner, Sébastien (2009). « Sensitivity Study of Regional Climate Model Simulations to Large-Scale Nudging Parameters ». Monthly Weather Review, 137(5), pp. 1666-1686.

Lucas-Picher, Philippe; Caya, Daniel; Biner, Sébastien et Laprise, René (2008). « Quantification of the Lateral Boundary Forcing of a Regional Climate Model Using an Aging Tracer ». Monthly Weather Review, 136(12), pp. 4980-4996.

Separovic, Leo; de Elía, Ramon et Laprise, René (2008). « Reproducible and Irreproducible Components in Ensemble Simulations with a Regional Climate Model ». Monthly Weather Review, 136(12), pp. 4942-4961.

Wyser, K.; Jones, C. G.; Du, P.; Girard, E.; Willén, U.; Cassano, J.; Christensen, J. H.; Curry, J. A.; Dethloff, K.; Haugen, J.-E.; Jacob, D.; Køltzow, M.; Laprise, René; Lynch, A.; Pfeifer, S.; Rinke, A.; Serreze, M.; Shaw, M. J.; Tjernström, M. et Zagar, M. (2008). « An evaluation of Arctic cloud and radiation processes during the SHEBA year: simulation results from eight Arctic regional climate models ». Climate Dynamics, 30(2-3), pp. 203-223.

Sushama, L.; Laprise, René; Caya, D.; Verseghy, D. et Allard, M. (2007). « An RCM projection of soil thermal and moisture regimes for North American permafrost zones ». Geophysical Research Letters, 34(L20711).

Alexandru, Adelina; de Elia, Ramon et Laprise, René (2007). « Internal Variability in Regional Climate Downscaling at the Seasonal Scale ». Monthly Weather Review, 135(9), pp. 3221-3238.

Long, Z.; Perrie, W.; Gyakum, J.; Caya, D. et Laprise, René (2007). « Northern Lake Impacts on Local Seasonal Climate ». Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8(4), pp. 881-896.

Bielli, Soline et Laprise, René (2006). « A Methodology for the Regional-Scale-Decomposed Atmospheric Water Budget: Application to a Simulation of the Canadian Regional Climate Model Nested by NCEP–NCAR Reanalyses over North America ». Monthly Weather Review, 134(3), pp. 854-873.

Leduc, Martin; Laprise, René; de Elía, Ramón et Šeparović, Leo (2016). « Is Institutional Democracy a Good Proxy for Model Independence? ». Journal of Climate, 29(23), pp. 8301-8316.

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