Parcourir par auteur Laprise, R.

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Nombre de documents archivés : 6.

Akperov, M.; Rinke, A.; Mokhov, I. I.; Matthes, H.; Semenov, V. A.; Adakudlu, M.; Cassano, J.; Christensen, J. H.; Dembitskaya, M. A.; Dethloff, K.; Fettweis, X.; Glisan, J.; Gutjahr, O.; Heinemann, G.; Koenigk, T.; Koldunov, N. V.; Laprise, R.; Mottram, R.; Nikiéma, O.; Parfenova, M.; Scinocca, J. F.; Sein, D.; Sobolowski, S.; Winger, K. et Zhang, W. (2019). « Trends of intense cyclone activity in the Arctic from reanalyses data and regional climate models (Arctic-CORDEX) ». IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 231, 012003.

Bresson, É.; Laprise, R.; Paquin, D.; Thériault, J.M. et de Elía, R. (2017). « Evaluating the Ability of CRCM5 to Simulate Mixed Precipitation ». Atmosphere-Ocean, 55(2), pp. 79-93.

Poan, E. D.; Gachon, P.; Laprise, R.; Aider, R. et Dueymes, G. (2017). « Investigating added value of regional climate modeling in North American winter storm track simulations ». Climate Dynamics.

Nikiéma, O.; Sommerfeld, A.; Laprise, R.; Rinke, A. et Dethloff, K. (2016). « Chaotic behaviour of the regional climate models, CRCM5 and HIRHAM5, in ensemble simulations over an Arctic domain ». Polarforschung, 85(2), pp. 69-80.

Poan, E. D.; Gachon, P.; Dueymes, G.; Diaconescu, E.; Laprise, R. et Seidou Sanda, I. (2016). « West African monsoon intraseasonal activity and its daily precipitation indices in regional climate models: diagnostics and challenges ». Climate Dynamics, 47(9), pp. 3113-3140.

Sushama, L.; Laprise, R. et Allard, M. (2006). « Modeled current and future soil thermal regime for northeast Canada ». Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(D18).

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