Parcourir par auteur Blanchet, Jean-Pierre

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Nombre de documents archivés : 16.

Article de revue scientifique

Abbatt, Jonathan P. D.; Leaitch, W. Richard; Aliabadi, Amir A.; Bertram, Allan K.; Blanchet, Jean-Pierre; Boivin-Rioux, Aude; Bozem, Heiko; Burkart, Julia; Chang, Rachel Y. W.; Charette, Joannie; Chaubey, Jai P.; Christensen, Robert J.; Cirisan, Ana; Collins, Douglas B.; Croft, Betty; Dionne, Joelle; Evans, Greg J.; Fletcher, Christopher G.; Galí, Martí; Ghahremaninezhad, Roghayeh; Girard, Eric; Gong, Wanmin; Gosselin, Michel; Gourdal, Margaux; Hanna, Sarah J.; Hayashida, Hakase; Herber, Andreas B.; Hesaraki, Sareh; Hoor, Peter; Huang, Lin; Hussherr, Rachel; Irish, Victoria E.; Keita, Setigui A.; Kodros, John K.; Köllner, Franziska; Kolonjari, Felicia; Kunkel, Daniel; Ladino, Luis A.; Law, Kathy; Levasseur, Maurice; Libois, Quentin; Liggio, John; Lizotte, Martine; Macdonald, Katrina M.; Mahmood, Rashed; Martin, Randall V.; Mason, Ryan H.; Miller, Lisa A.; Moravek, Alexander; Mortenson, Eric; Mungall, Emma L.; Murphy, Jennifer G.; Namazi, Maryam; Norman, Ann-Lise; O'Neill, Norman T.; Pierce, Jeffrey R.; Russell, Lynn M.; Schneider, Johannes; Schulz, Hannes; Sharma, Sangeeta; Si, Meng; Staebler, Ralf M.; Steiner, Nadja S.; Thomas, Jennie L.; von Salzen, Knut; Wentzell, Jeremy J. B.; Willis, Megan D.; Wentworth, Gregory R.; Xu, Jun-Wei et Yakobi-Hancock, Jacqueline D. (2019). « Overview paper: New insights into aerosol and climate in the Arctic ». Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(4), pp. 2527-2560.

Keita, Setigui Aboubacar; Girard, Eric; Raut, Jean-Christophe; Pelon, Jacques; Blanchet, Jean-Pierre; Lemoine, Olivier et Onishi, Tatsuo (2019). « Simulating Arctic Ice Clouds during Spring Using an Advanced Ice Cloud Microphysics in the WRF Model ». Atmosphere, 10(8), p. 433.

Libois, Quentin et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2017). « Added value of far-infrared radiometry for remote sensing of ice clouds ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(12), pp. 6541-6564.

Libois, Quentin; Ivanescu, Liviu; Blanchet, Jean-Pierre; Schulz, Hannes; Bozem, Heiko; Leaitch, W. Richard; Burkart, Julia; Abbatt, Jonathan P. D.; Herber, Andreas B.; Aliabadi, Amir A. et Girard, Éric (2016). « Airborne observations of far-infrared upwelling radiance in the Arctic ». Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16(24), pp. 15689-15707.

Libois, Quentin; Proulx, Christian; Ivanescu, Liviu; Coursol, Laurence; Pelletier, Ludovick S.; Bouzid, Yacine; Barbero, Francesco; Girard, Éric et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2016). « A microbolometer-based far infrared radiometer to study thin ice clouds in the Arctic ». Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9(4), pp. 1817-1832.

Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2015). « Quantum Population Dynamics: A Broad View from an Exploration beyond the Standard Model ». Quantum Physics Letters, 4(2), pp. 31-50.

Jouan, Caroline; Girard, Eric; Pelon, Jacques; Gultepe, Ismail; Delanoë, Julien et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2012). « Characterization of Arctic ice cloud properties observed during ISDAC ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117(D23207).

Grenier, Patrick et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2010). « Investigation of the sulphate-induced freezing inhibition effect from CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 115(D22205).

Zhao, T. L.; Gong, S. L.; Zhang, X. Y.; Blanchet, Jean-Pierre; McKendry, I. G. et Zhou, Z. J. (2006). « A Simulated Climatology of Asian Dust Aerosol and Its Trans-Pacific Transport. Part I: Mean Climate and Validation ». Journal of Climate, 19(1), pp. 88-103.

Beaulne, Alain; Barker, Howard W. et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2005). « Estimating Cloud Optical Depth from Surface Radiometric Observations: Sensitivity to Instrument Noise and Aerosol Contamination ». Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 62(11), pp. 4095-4104.

Hu, R.-M.; Blanchet, Jean-Pierre et Girard, Eric (2005). « Evaluation of the direct and indirect radiative and climate effects of aerosols over the western Arctic ». Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 110(D11213).

Munoz-Alpizar, Rodrigo; Blanchet, Jean-Pierre et Quintanar, Arturo I. (2003). « Application of the NARCM model to high-resolution aerosol simulations: Case study of Mexico City basin during the Investigación sobre Materia Particulada y Deterioro Atmosférico-Aerosol and Visibility Research measurements campaign ». Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D15), AAC7-1-AAC7-14.

Girard, Eric et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2001). « Microphysical Parameterization of Arctic Diamond Dust, Ice Fog, and Thin Stratus for Climate Models ». Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 58(10), pp. 1181-1198.

Girard, Eric et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2001). « Simulation of Arctic Diamond Dust, Ice Fog, and Thin Stratus Using an Explicit Aerosol–Cloud–Radiation Model ». Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 58(10), pp. 1199-1221.

Barker, Howard W.; Li, Zhanqing et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (1994). « Radiative Characteristics of the Canadian Climate Centre Second-Generation General Circulation Model ». Journal of Climate, 7(7), pp. 1070-1091.

Communication, article de congrès ou colloque

Stefanof, Cristina; Stefanof, Alexandru; Szyrmer, Wanda et Blanchet, Jean-Pierre (2004). « Integral of saturation ratio versus cut of saturation ratio at 100 percent at the end of which time step in Cloud Resolving Models » (84th AMS Annual meeting: 20th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Seattle, Washington, 11-15 January 2004)

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