Parcourir par auteur Bauhus, J.

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Nombre de documents archivés : 4.

Article de revue scientifique

Campbell, J.; Messier, C. et Bauhus, J. (2002). « Does soil heterogeneity and compaction in ingrowth-cores affect the growth and morphology of Picea mariana fine-roots? ». Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 33, pp. 1027-1037.

Bauhus, J.; Aubin, I.; Messier, C. et Connell, M. (2001). « Composition, structure, light attenuation and nutrient content of the understory vegetation in Eucalyptus sieberi regrowth stand 6 years after thinning and fertilisation ». Forest Ecology and Management, 144, pp. 275-286.

Bauhus, J. et Messier, C. (1999). « Evaluation of fine root length and diameter measurements obtained using RHIZO image analysis ». Agronomy Journal, 91(1), pp. 142-147.

Bauhus, J. et Messier, C. (1999). « Soil exploitation strategies of fine roots in different tree species of the southern boreal forest of eastern Canada ». Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29, pp. 260-273.

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