Fortin, Geneviève; Bigras, Nathalie; Lemay, Lise; Robert-Mazaye, Christelle; Charron, Annie et Duval, Stéphanie
« Effect of a pandemic on well-being at work of ECEC managers from Quebec: Longitudinal study. » (American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, États-Unis, 13-16 avril 2023)
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COVID-19 pandemic has brought many challenges to ECEC managers, adapting to Quebec's public health’s sanitary measures and increased workload. Based on Bakker and Demerouti's (2014) work demands and resources model, this, descriptive, longitudinal and correlational study aim to outline the well-being at work of Quebec’s ECEC managers between 2021 and 2022. An online questionnaire, completed by 151 participants revealed a decrease of well-being at work, self-compassion, and commitment to work, and an increase in perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and burn out. Pandemic-related work overload has affected all components of managers' tasks, showing their need for support and resources to reduce the pandemic long-term negative influences on their well-being at work (Authors et al., in press).