Symposium, Current knowledge about daycare attendance and children's development: review and implications for the futur.

Lemay, Lise et Bigras, Nathalie (2012). « Symposium, Current knowledge about daycare attendance and children's development: review and implications for the futur. ». Conference, 10e Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), Honolulu, États-Unis, janvier 2012.

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Motor development is associated with many benefits for children, family and the society. In particular, moving and developing physical and motor skills in early childhood, such as climbing, jumping and running is associated with better motor skills in school age children and with higher intensity and duration of physical activity in adulthood. Thus, developing such skills during early childhood has the potential to promote healthier habits and reduce social costs. However, researches on the subject suggest that children's level of physical activity are low during this period. They spend nearly two-thirds of their time in sedentary activities (sitting, spending time in front of a screen, inactive transportation) (Reilly, 2010). These sedentary activities predispose children to overweight and obesity (Reilly, 2008), wich will ultimately generate significant social costs. Educational childcare services aim at promoting healthy life styles and fostering children's global development. Chilcare should be a place enhancing active play and game in all children, and this, from an early age. However, results os studies on physical activity suggest high level of physical inactivity and low levels of activity for children attending childcare services (Reilly, 2010). Fortunately, researches link some childcare's factors to higher level of physical activity (respecting international standards) as well as improvements in hcildren's physical and motor develoment. This communication wishes to present a systematic review of those studies conducted between 2000 and 2010 that adressed the physical and motor development of children attending childcare services. It aims to answer the following questions: 1) What are the effects of chilcare quality on the physical and motor development during early childhood? 2) What are the effects of childcare type and quantity on the physical and motor development during early childhood? 3) What other factors are associated with physical activity in childcare services? The conclusion offers recommendations for policy makers and practitioners as well as for futur research in the field.

Type: Conférence
Mots-clés ou Sujets: early childhood education, children development, litterature review
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences de l'éducation > Chaire de recherche sur les enjeux de la diversité en éducation
Déposé par: Nathalie Bigras
Date de dépôt: 08 janv. 2019 09:47
Dernière modification: 26 mars 2021 11:02
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