Lehrer, Joanne; Bigras, Nathalie et Laurin, Isabelle
« Preparing children and families for the transition to school : The role of early childhood educators. ».
International Journal of Transitions in Childhood, 10, pp. 3-23.
Fichier(s) associé(s) à ce document :
This study presents the results of a narrative inquiry into the roles of early childhood educators and centres in preparing four-year-old children and their parents for their upcoming transition to kindergarten (the first year of school), in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Participants were seven mothers and the seven educators working with their children. Results revealed four themes: preparing the child; supporting the parent; transition rituals; and a rupture. Educators and parents described formal transition practices, often discussed in the literature, as well as
informal transition practices, rarely acknowledged in research studies; and educator and parent attitudes and perceptions regarding what children need in order to be ‘ready’ for school as well as what will happen once they
begin school.