Canonical constraints on leptonic CP violation using ultrahigh energy cosmic ray neutrino fluxes

Balaji, K. R. S.; Couture, Gilles et Hamzaoui, Cherif (2006). « Canonical constraints on leptonic CP violation using ultrahigh energy cosmic ray neutrino fluxes ». Physical Review D, 74(033013).

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It is shown that one can in principle constrain the CP-violating parameter δ from measurements of four independent |Vij|2’s, or three |Vij|2’s and a ratio of two of them, in the leptonic sector. To quantify our approach, using unitarity, we derive simple expressions in terms of four independent |Vij|2’s for cosδ, and an expression for sin2δ from J2. Thus, depending on the values for |Vij| and their accuracy, we can set meaningful limits on |δ|. To illustrate numerically, if |Vμ1|2 is close to 0.1 with a 10% precision, and if |Ve3|2 is larger than 0.005 and for values of |Ve2|2 and |Vμ3|2 that stay within ±0.1 of the current experimental data leads to a bound: π/2≤|δ|≤π. Alternatively, a certain combination of parameters with values of |Ve3|2 larger than 0.01 leads to a closed bound of 73≤|δ|≤103. In general, we find that it is better to use |Vμ1|2 or |Vτ1|2 as the fourth independent |Vij|2 and that, over most of the parameter space, δ is least sensitive to |Ve3|2. With just three independent measurements (solar, atmospheric, and reactor), it is impossible to set limits on the CP phase. In this respect, we study the use of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray neutrino fluxes as the additional fourth information. We find that within the SM, neutrino fluxes of all three flavors will be very similar but that pushing current neutrino data to their extreme values still allowed, ratios of cosmic neutrino fluxes can differ by up to 20%; such large discrepancies could imply negligibly small CP violation. We also study a nonradiative neutrino decay model and find that the neutrino fluxes can differ by a factor of up to 3 within this model and that an accuracy of 10% on the neutrino fluxes is sufficient to set interesting limits on δ.

Type: Article de revue scientifique
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Mots-clés ou Sujets: Cosmic neutrinos, CP invariance, flavor model, nuclear decay, standard model, unitarity
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
Déposé par: Chérif Hamzaoui
Date de dépôt: 27 avr. 2016 19:24
Dernière modification: 26 mai 2016 14:29
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