Most Stable Elements First Approach

Maffezzini, Ivan (2006). « Most Stable Elements First Approach », dans CITSA 2006 (The 3rd International Conference on Cybernetic and Information Technologies, Systems and Application, Orlando, USA, 20-23 Juillet 2006), sous la dir. de Chu, Hsing-Wei et Aguilar, José. Orlando, USA, Internation Institute of Informatics and Systemics, pp. 223-228.

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After the introduction of the hypothesis upon which our research is based, we describe the conceptual framework of the methodology we propose. The framework presents an overview of computer-based automation where the most important artefact is a non-formal document describing concepts and requirements. Follows a description of an approach based upon a classification of requirements, concepts, objectives and constraints. Based upon a stability criterion three categories are established: Hard Core, Protective Belt, Fluctuating Elements. The levels of stability impose an order on the implementation. The artefacts for the requirements of the three categories of stability are outlined. The approach named “Most Stable Element First

Type: Communication, article de congrès ou colloque
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Information and Technology, Computing, Information Systems, Product Quality (or Method and Methodologies)
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département d'informatique
Déposé par: Ivan Maffezzini
Date de dépôt: 05 juill. 2007
Dernière modification: 01 nov. 2014 02:03
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