Larson, R. et Lefebvre, Claire
« Predicate clefting in Haitian Creole », dans Proceedings of NELS (21th North Eastern Linguistic Society, Montréal, Octobre 1990), sous la dir. de Sherer, T. et al.
pp. 247-263.
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Predicate clefting is a commonly used construction in Haitian Creole. This paper considers two properties of the construction that have not been noted before: (1) a restriction on the class of verbs that can undergo clefting, and (2) ambiguities that arise when the subordinate clause contains aspectual elements and/or complements of a particular kind. It is argued that these properties are explained, and the general construction illuminated, under a quantificational analysis of predicate cleft, in which a predicate phrase moves at the level of Logical Form, and there is an accompanying quantification over events.