Hadaya, Pierre et Cloutier, Martin
« Illustrating "What is a sound strategy system?" ».
Strategy Magazine(39), pp. 32-35.
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A sound strategy system (often called strategy management system) is essential to the long-term success of any organization. It is the comprehensive and integrated set of continuously executed strategy-related activities that permits an organization to be effective, agile, and efficient in today’s increasingly competitive, global and technology-driven market. Yet, despite its importance and all that has been learned since the launch of the business strategy revolution in the 1960s, most organizations are still having great difficulties devising and implementing such a complex system. The absence of a sound management system, in turn, is probably the key factor explaining why 50% to 90% of strategic initiatives fail and why the life expectancy of organizations is in a serious decline. To begin addressing this important gap, the objective of this article is to make an initial attempt to illustrate the key components of a strategy system and how they are related to one another. To do so, we rely on a modeling technique from systems thinking. In addition to identifying the key components of such a system, this technique enables us to capture the feedback loops amongst these key components that strategists and executives must understand and put in place for their organization to be effective, agile, and efficient to succeed in the long-term.