Using evaluative thinking to achieve better results

Atkinson, Lewis et Collins, Barbara A. (2024). « Using evaluative thinking to achieve better results ». Strategy Magazine(39), pp. 8-11.

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All strategy is a hypothesis and its implementation is an experiment in execution. Strategic actions selected for implementation are those with the greatest likelihood of moving the organization closer to achieving its vision, mission, and values. Unfortunately, when making decisions about strategy, most leaders rely too heavily on intuition and their causal reasoning may be flawed. The objective of this article is to propose a novel method of inquiry based on evaluative thinking that can aid leaders in explaining how and why a particular combination of strategic actions are working in the way that they intended.

Type: Article de revue professionnelle
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Strategy, evaluative thinking
Unité d'appartenance: École des sciences de la gestion > Département d’analytique, opérations et technologies de l’information (AOTI)
Déposé par: Pierre Hadaya
Date de dépôt: 02 juill. 2024 13:07
Dernière modification: 02 juill. 2024 13:07
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