Strategy development with applied simulation techniques

Hah, Fon (2021). « Strategy development with applied simulation techniques ». Strategy Magazine(36), pp. 8-11.

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A comprehensive review of risks during strategy development is key to the success of any strategic endeavour. Despite this, recent surveys reveal that mismanagement of strategic risks accounted for around 60% of major declines in market capitalization. Simulating changes in the business environment – by using a model that dynamically captures industry drivers to uncover issues – assists in the development of coping mechanisms and solutions. The objective of this paper is to demystify simulation, outline its benefits in strategy development, and to present three different types of simulations strategists can use – Wargaming, Monte Carlo, and System Dynamics Modelling.

Type: Article de revue professionnelle
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Strategy development, simulation, technique
Unité d'appartenance: École des sciences de la gestion > Département d’analytique, opérations et technologies de l’information (AOTI)
Déposé par: Pierre Hadaya
Date de dépôt: 02 juill. 2024 12:52
Dernière modification: 02 juill. 2024 12:52
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