Donald Sull: The Case for Simplicity

Barlow, Julie (2021). « Donald Sull: The Case for Simplicity ». Strategy Magazine(36), pp. 23-24.

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To be able to tackle new challenges and ensure steady growth, companies should revisit and simplify their management rules. Donald Sull, professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and strategic advisor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, talks about his study of these management rules and thoughts on organizational strategy management.

Type: Article de revue professionnelle
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Strategy management, simplicity
Unité d'appartenance: École des sciences de la gestion > Département d’analytique, opérations et technologies de l’information (AOTI)
Déposé par: Pierre Hadaya
Date de dépôt: 02 juill. 2024 12:51
Dernière modification: 02 juill. 2024 12:51
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