Strengthening strategic capabilities

Booth, David M. (2020). « Strengthening strategic capabilities ». Strategy Magazine(35), pp. 30-33.

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The way strategic planning is undertaken in organizations is changing. Why divert the organization’s efforts in a resource-intensive, mostly top-down project to produce a document whose relevance might be superseded within months? This article describes three strategic capabilities needed by organizations in order to adopt a more flexible, dynamic approach to developing and implementing strategy; it shows how these can be strengthened using examples drawn from working with organizations that have sought to do this.

Type: Article de revue professionnelle
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Strategy, implementation, capabilities, dynamic approach
Unité d'appartenance: École des sciences de la gestion > Département d’analytique, opérations et technologies de l’information (AOTI)
Déposé par: Pierre Hadaya
Date de dépôt: 02 juill. 2024 12:50
Dernière modification: 15 juill. 2024 09:35
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