Nature-based early childhood education, a fertile ground for instructional support in Quebec early childhood centers? Yes, but...

Bouchard, Caroline; Parent, Anne-Sophie; Leboeuf, Michèle; Lemay, Lise; Bigras, Nathalie et Asselin, Martine (2023). « Nature-based early childhood education, a fertile ground for instructional support in Quebec early childhood centers? Yes, but... », dans 31 st EECERA annual conference proceedings: Book of abstracts (31 st EECERA annual conference, Lisbonne, Portugal, 31 août 2023)

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The purpose is to investigate the Instructional Support (IS) offered by early childhood educators who work in nature-based education (NBE; e.g., woodland, field). The quality level of IS tends to be low, so much so that it does not provide a significant influence on young children's learning (Burchinal et al., 2010, 2016). However, NBE could provide fertile ground for the quality of IS in young children, because of the principles that frame it (e.g. loose parts, child-centered approach). The Teaching through Interactions model (Hamre et al., 2013) underlines the conception of IS. As part of a pragmatic paradigm and by using an embedded esearch design, the quality of IS (scores) was observed in 20 groups of 3-5 years-old children from 8 early childhood centers in Quebec (Canada), with the CLASS (Pianta et al., 2008). Afterwards, a semi-structured interview was also conducted with the educators of these groups. Their words were analyzed considering the indicators of the IS (e.g., open-ended questions). All participants (educators and parents) signed a consent form. The children gave their verbal consent to their educator before proceeding with the observations. Preliminary results indicate that 6/20 of the educators stand out with the IS score that is above the recommended threshold of 3,25/7. Their comments shed light on how NBE is conducive to IS for early childhood centers. These results will be discussed in relation to the contribution of the pedagogical principles of nature-based education to IS, for the purpose of orienting policies in education, public health, etc.

Type: Communication, article de congrès ou colloque
Mots-clés ou Sujets: eErly childhood education, Nature-based early childhood education, Quality of interactions, Instructional learning, Child-centered approach
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences de l'éducation > Chaire de recherche sur les enjeux de la diversité en éducation
Déposé par: Nathalie Bigras
Date de dépôt: 08 sept. 2023 08:33
Dernière modification: 08 sept. 2023 08:33
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