Adaptation of the LIGNUM model for simulations of growth and light response in Jack pine

Lo, E.; Wang, Z.M.; Lechowicz, M.; Messier, C.; Nikinmaa, E.; Perttunen, J. et Sievänen, R. (2001). « Adaptation of the LIGNUM model for simulations of growth and light response in Jack pine ». Forest Ecology and Management, 150, pp. 279-291.

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LIGNUM is a whole tree model, developed for Pinus sylvestris in Finland, that combines tree metabolism with a realistic spatial distribution of morphological parts. We hypothesize that its general concepts, which include the pipe model, functional balance, yearly carbon budget, and a set of architectural growth rules, are applicable to all trees. Adaptation of the model to Pinus banksiana, a widespread species of economic importance in North America, is demonstrated. Conversion of the model to Jack pine entailed finding new values for 16 physiological and morphological parameters, and three growth functions. Calibration of the LIGNUM Jack pine model for open grown trees up to 15 years of age was achieved by matching crown appearance and structural parameters (height, foliage biomass, aboveground biomass) with those of real trees. A sensitivity study indicated that uncertainty in the photosynthesis and respiration parameters will primarily cause changes to the net annual carbon gain, which can be corrected through calibration of the growth rate. The effect of a decrease in light level on height, biomass, total tree branch length, and productivity were simulated and compared with field data. Additional studies yielded insight into branch pruning, carbon allocation patterns, crown structure, and carbon stress. We discuss the value of the LIGNUM model as a tool for understanding tree growth and survival dynamics in natural and managed forests.

Type: Article de revue scientifique
Mots-clés ou Sujets: whole-tree growth model, tree architecture, Pinus banksiana Lamb, forest dynamics, carbon gain, light interception
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département des sciences biologiques
Déposé par: Christian Messier
Date de dépôt: 08 janv. 2009
Dernière modification: 01 nov. 2014 02:08
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