Effects of freshwater salinization on a salt-naïve planktonic eukaryote community

Astorg, Louis; Gagnon, Jean-Christophe; Lazar, Cassandre S. et Derry, Alison M. (2022). « Effects of freshwater salinization on a salt-naïve planktonic eukaryote community ». Limnology and Oceanography Letters.

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Freshwater salinization is a widespread issue, but evidence of ecological effects on aquatic communities remains scarce. We experimentally exposed salt-naive plankton communities of a north-temperate, freshwater lake to a gra- dient of chloride (Cl�) concentration (0.27–1400 mg Cl L�1) with in situ mesocosms. Following 6 weeks, we mea- sured changes in the diversity, composition, and abundance of eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene. Total phytoplankton biomass remained unchanged, but we observed a shift in dominant phytoplankton groups with increasing salt con- centration, from Cryptophyta and Chlorophyta at lower chloride concentrations (< 185 mg Cl� L�1) to Ochrophyta at higher chloride concentrations (> 185 mg Cl� L�1). Crustacean zooplankton and rotifers were sensitive to the salinity, and disappeared at low chloride concentrations (< 40 mg Cl� L�1). While ciliates thrived at low chloride concentrations (< 185 mg Cl� L�1), fungal groups dominated at intermediate chloride concentrations (185–640 mg Cl� L�1), and only phytoplankton remained at the highest chloride concentrations (> 640 mg Cl� L�1).

Type: Article de revue scientifique
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Salinization, freshwater, eukaryote community, chloride, plankton, water quality guidelines, 18S rRNA metabarcoding
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département des sciences biologiques
Déposé par: Alison Margaret Derry
Date de dépôt: 10 févr. 2022 09:01
Dernière modification: 10 févr. 2022 09:01
Adresse URL : http://archipel.uqam.ca/id/eprint/15160


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