Vein topology, structures, and distribution during the prograde formation of an Archean gold stockwork

Turlin, François; De Souza, Stéphane; Jébrak, Michel; Groullier, Pierre-Arthur et Turcotte, Jordi (2021). « Vein topology, structures, and distribution during the prograde formation of an Archean gold stockwork ». GSA Bulletin.

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The Archean Cheechoo stockwork gold deposit is hosted by a felsic intrusion of tonalitic-granodioritic composition and crosscutting pegmatite dikes in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay area of Quebec, Canada (Archean Superior craton). The evolution of the stockwork is characterized herein using field relationships, vein density, and connectivity measurements on drill core and outcrop zones. The statistical distribution of gold is used to highlight mechanisms of stockwork emplacement and gold mineralization and remobilization. ... These results show the isotropic behavior of the investigated stockwork during regional deformation and its development during the early stages of regional prograde metamorphism.

Type: Article de revue scientifique
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Ore deposits, Gold, Structure, Baie James, Archean
Unité d'appartenance: Faculté des sciences > Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
Déposé par: Michel Jébrak
Date de dépôt: 09 août 2021 08:24
Dernière modification: 09 août 2021 08:24
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