Beyond environmental and ecological economics: Proposal for an economic sociology of the environment

Corinne, Gendron (2014). « Beyond environmental and ecological economics: Proposal for an economic sociology of the environment ». Elsevier, Ecological Economics, p. 240.

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The vast majority of approaches in environmental economics attribute the current ecological crisis to the fact that, from its inception, the industrial economic system was founded on premises that made no allowance for the limits and regulatory functions of ecosystems. According to these approaches, we must therefore remedy the historical error of dissociating the fields of economics from the natural sciences, notably by restoring the links between these two disciplines. Distinguishing themselves fromthe two historic approaches, environmental economics and early ecological economics, the emerging institutionalist schools evoke not only the constructed nature of the environmental crisis (generally viewed as an objective fact by both traditional environmental economists and ecological economists), but also the socially constructed nature of the economy and its institutions. An actionalist regulationist approach allows us to formalize this twofold construction and lays the groundwork for a new economic sociology of the environment in which the technical modalities of ecological modernization are studied in light of social relations,with the understanding that social relations are also affected by themateriality of the environmental crisis. This actionalist regulationist approach also lends itself to anticipating likely trajectories in the future ecological modernization of economic institutions.

Type: Article de revue scientifique
Mots-clés ou Sujets: Environmental economics Ecological economics Economic sociology of the environment Regulation theory Social movement theory Environmental policy Ecological modernisation
Unité d'appartenance: Instituts > Institut des sciences de l'environnement (ISE)
Déposé par: Corinne Gendron
Date de dépôt: 26 août 2019 08:28
Dernière modification: 10 déc. 2021 11:43
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