Farmer, Yanick
« Ethical Decision Making and Reputation Management in Public Relations ».
Journal of Media Ethics, 33(1), pp. 2-13.
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To support members who frequently grapple with ethical issues, a number of PR professional associations developed models for ethical decision mak- ing that they make available to members for reference and professional development purposes. However, the models put forward are, clearly, inadequate for tackling more complex ethical issues. The purpose of this study is thus to supply theoreticians and practitioners with conceptual tools for more effectively thinking through this complexity in ethics decisions. In meeting this objective, we initially set out a conceptual framework that comprises the model’s field of application and theoretical underpinnings, as well as advanced techniques for weighting, balancing interests and mana- ging reputation. In tandem with the theorization, we look at some applica- tions for the conceptual framework through case studies.